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Get Free Ebook Relentless Forward Progress: A Guide to Running Ultramarathons

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Get Free Ebook Relentless Forward Progress: A Guide to Running Ultramarathons

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Relentless Forward Progress: A Guide to Running Ultramarathons

Relentless Forward Progress: A Guide to Running Ultramarathons

Relentless Forward Progress: A Guide to Running Ultramarathons

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Relentless Forward Progress: A Guide to Running Ultramarathons

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 6 hours and 58 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Tantor Audio Release Date: January 24, 2018

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

I thought there was something quirky and unique about “Relentless Forward Progress.” The entire book is split up into short, digestible sections on every conceivable topic related to ultrarunning. Some sections have guest writers who are established ultra runners. If you love reading about running and/or are intrigued by ultras, then you are going to devour this book. Before buying “Relentless” I checked out some of the reviews. Most were overwhelmingly positive, but there were a few negative ones, and the recurring theme seemed to be that readers found the book a bit basic. I admit there was nothing earth-shattering here. Critics mentioned that the book isn’t so different from marathon training guides. This is also true. A lot of the topics, on things ranging from training runs to hydration to foot care, were similar to what you’d find in a marathon guide. The very simple fact is that an ultra isn’t radically different from a marathon in terms of training. You should probably still do speed work, tempo runs, easy runs, and long runs. I think there are a couple important points to consider with “Relentless Forward Progress”: first, you can’t please all of the people all of the time, meaning that there are going to be a range of audiences for this book, all of whom have different expectations. There are those people who’ve never run anything longer than a marathon and are considering the ultra distances. There are those (like me) who’ve experimented with 50Ks and 50 milers and are toying with the idea of 100 milers. Then there are the 100 mile vets who continue to read every how-to guide they come across in hopes of gleaning new insights. This last group may be somewhat disappointed by the surface-level topics Bryon Powell covers. He’s trying to reach as many people as possible, so by necessity he can’t be overly detailed. You’re going to get a taste of the things you’ll likely encounter when you start running ultras; that’s Powell’s goal, and he achieves it here. And in Powell’s defense, I don’t think any ultra training guide is going to satisfy certain runners because what they’re searching for is the panacea to ultras. The secret is that there is no secret. Every potential problem that crops up in a marathon, from blisters to chafing to hydration issues, gets multiplied many times over in an ultra. Throw in nutrition, trail running, night running, and sleep issues, and you’ve created a huge challenge for any athlete. And there’s no one book that will help you overcome these challenges. You have to just run the distances and learn from experience. Powell says as much. He basically writes that he can help speed up the learning curve but there’s no substitute for experience, no magic pill that will prevent the lowest lows of mile 70. Take Powell’s advice and put it into practice. Ultras themselves are as idiosyncratic as the people who run them. One person may be struggling at the same time another is doing great, and that same person might crush one 100 miler and DNF the next. The real secret to the 100 mile seems to be the mental angle—how to stay positive and keep moving forward—and I think that part is individual to each person. You’ve got to figure that out for yourself. But if you want some great hints on how to dress for rainy weather, how to prevent blisters, how much to run in training, etc., then read this valuable book.

I bought this book because many people on a trail running group mentioned that this book is basically a bible for ultra-running. My main complaint is that most of the advice in this book can be found in any standard marathon training book, so if you already have a bunch of running/training books, I don't know if this book is really necessary. It might be a great resource for some new runners though. I'm going to try out one of the training plans (I believe the book comes with at least 3 training plans) and I'll update the review once I have run my target race.

Very basic primary on ultras. Still worth the $. If nothing else, the basic parameters of the training plans are good guides because there's really not much out there on what you should do to have success in 50-100+ mile races. I'd suggest it to runners I coached. Some of the back and forth about a few of the topics seems unnecessary. I like it clearly states you shouldn't be using NSAIDs and it's dangerous to do so. I can't remember if the hydration part was "drink to thirst" or not, so it probably was, which is also good.

So as I was starting to consider running an ultra, this was a great book to have picked up. In some chapters, I want to cry before even considering starting training, but in most, it makes the people seem so much more human than some of the books I've read on the topic before. Mostly because most books are written by or about the top runners, so their "slow ultra speed" is my sprint speed, while this book shows a more human side to it all, without making it sound like it'll be a walk in the park. Highly recommend this to anyone considering doing an ultra.

Let me get this out before I say anything else: those solely looking for a page turner need not apply. This book does not function as a story; as it says in the title, its a guide. I bought this book just because I had read just about everything else about running, so I figured why not. Although I am slowly making a foray into ultramarathons, I was not thinking of using the book as it was intended for, merely, something to hold me over until I found the next great read. I took me a month to finish the book. Powell definitely does not embellish his writing here, just right to the point.Now my next point: This book exceeds its job as a guide to ultramarathons. It contains an exhaustive list of subjects to prepare the reader for their big race, ranging from the 50k to the 100 miler and beyond. I found myself nodding my head with inquisitive satisfaction quite often. I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking at their first ultra, or even to those veterans looking to add some refinement to their training.

This book is fantastic, I highly recommend it to anyone wanting information on trail/ultra running. I am learning to trail run and am hoping to run an Ultra. I found this book a very fun and interesting read. I do not know if this book would be interesting to an experienced ultra/trail runner but it was for me. Starting to run trails leads to lots of questions. This book did a good job of answering most of the questions I had. I liked the information on identifying health issues (hydration, electrolyte levels, etc.) interesting and like having a information to help identify when I am doing things wrong and what the cause may be. The training plans also seemed very good and were explained very well, including how to customize them depending on your goals and training style. I found the book a quick read with lots of information. I think this book has helped jump-start my experience.

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Relentless Forward Progress: A Guide to Running Ultramarathons PDF

Relentless Forward Progress: A Guide to Running Ultramarathons PDF
Relentless Forward Progress: A Guide to Running Ultramarathons PDF

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